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Micro-Fine Oil Refining Systems

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Environmental concerns have focused the world’s attention on oil. The fact is that oil is not a renewable resource and it can be a powerful and noxious pollutant.  

Oil as used in gearboxes and hydraulic systems is never destroyed – it merely becomes contaminated with dirt. In the case of combustion engine oil the contaminant, carbon, will attach itself to the oil additives and its removal will therefore detract  from the efficacy of the oil. This  is not the case with gear and hydraulic oil.

The Micro Fine filtration system  is specifically designed and manufactured to the highest standards to address contaminant related wear and failure in critical equipment within the mining and quarrying industries.

The Micro-Fine Filtration System is recommended for: Enclosed gears, Crusher systems, Mill trunnions, Hydraulic systems and Turbines.

We have developed a Micro-Fine filtration system that will remove particles in excess of 2 micron, as well as moisture from the oil.  Water cannot be filtered from the oil – it needs to be absorbed.  Cotton is one of the world’s best water absorbers, consequently our filter elements are cotton based.

Engine oil can be purified and then added to the bulk diesel supply with the following benefits:

  1. Since our filtration system doesn't remove additivies those remaining additives improve the lubricity of the fuel thereby improving  pump and injector life,
  2. Exhaust emission of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are reduced by more than 20%,
  3. Engine oil reclamation companies normally pay a nominal amount for used engine oil whereas the cleansed engine oil added to your fuel has the same value as diesel fuel. The ratio of lube oil to diesel added to the bulk supply should be about 0.5 to 1.0%.

Clearly the financial and environmental benefits are considerable.

Note that: while we can clean electrical transformer oil, we are unable to remove liquid PCB’s.

Please click here to view a demonstration of the microfine filtration system.